
The Resources

One of the great tragedies of the modern world is we’ve quit the pursuit of joy alongside sorrow. We’ve stopped seeking satisfaction amidst chains.

But the gospel. The message of Jesus. The Center of the Christian faith has this: Carnage is turned into Glory. Sorrow becomes Joy. Injustice becomes Justice. Death becomes Life. This is the the entirety of our faith.

Join us as we learn to see the gospel turn sorrow into joy through Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians.


MC Guide

If you’re an MC leader, use this guide to create intentional spaces to practice what we’re learning in this letter.


We’ve curated a playlist with artists and songwriters bringing the themes of this letter to life.


Teachings on Philippians

Extra Resources





How to Read the Bible

Our individual guides utilize a journal and studying approach to Scripture we’ve taught in our MCs. If you missed those instruction, find them here.


Do you want to go deeper into some of the topics we’ll address in this series? Here are some of our favorites.